Bachis – First run

During 2020, I decided to make my first bachi, a type of plectrum used for playing the Shamisen, a Japanese stringed instrument similar in some ways to a western banjo, with a distinct quintessential Japanese timbre.

Rather than make just one, I made two, initially with clear blades and ash handles: one for myself and one for John Tron Davidson of Heavy Repping.

Shortly afterwards, I decided to make a run to sell to others who may be interested in owning a curiosity such as this, but without paying the premium for a Japanese luthier made bachi for professional players.

Obviously, I put all the care and attention I put into anything into the builds. Without experience playing a bachi, measurements and details such as the blade edge were shaped as closely to photos I had found online as possible.

Nonetheless, they have proved popular, and I currently only have two of this initial batch left (at the time of writing).

All available bachis are on my Etsy here.

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